Edmonton's first LEED Silver building!
After 40 years of operation, St. John Ambulance had outgrown their old facility. A collaborative workshop held during the design phase identified that St. John Ambulance wanted an end result that “is more than a building, and more of an experience.” The new facility needed to accommodate more instructional and administrative spaces, as well as considerably more parking for staff and students.
The resulting structure is an iconic building that serves as a vital hub of knowledge and information for the community. This landmark engages and connects with its neighbourhood, which is an up-and-coming locale along Edmonton’s 118th Avenue.
A number of sustainable design strategies were incorporated into the design of the St. John Ambulance Alberta Council Headquarters that both improve individual comfort, and reduce operational expenses by approximately 52%.
The building expresses St. John Ambulance's uninterrupted commitment to the dissemination of knowledge over its long history and serves as a living project example that promotes a healthy and environmentally sensitive approach to design, construction, working and living.