The theme chosen for the 2023 edition of Winter Stations was Resonance. Led by Professor Afshin Ashari (SEDRD) and Amir Ashari (Ashari Architect’s Principal), WINTERACTION, in celebration of the 10th anniversary of Winterstations, transcends local engagement. It is a dual installation located in both Iran and Canada, which is connected through Augmented Reality and designed to foster solidarity and social-cultural interaction between the two nations.

This pavilion expands human connections and resonates solidarity beyond borders, crossing political boundaries to foster global interaction and understanding. The term 'WINTERACTION,' crafted from the fusion of words: 'WE,' 'WINTER,' 'ACTION,' and 'INTERACTION,' is a reflection of the pavilion's essence. It embodies the spirit of community involvement ('WE'), the seasonal theme ('WINTER'), the dynamism of participation ('ACTION'), and the essence of mutual exchange and engagement ('INTERACTION').

One half of the installation is located at Woodbine Beach in Toronto, Canada, as a hybrid setup, while the other half is physically constructed inside a Cineplex in Shiraz, Iran. Both are connected through real-time interactive Augmented Reality. Both installations feature a labyrinth, symbolizing a challenging quest toward inner peace. Visitors traverse various paths to reach the center of the labyrinth. The centerpiece of this dual installation is a virtual tree, standing as a potent symbol of unity, peace, and friendship.

As visitors in both locations navigate through these various paths, the roots and branches of a virtual tree will take shape, and the tree completes its shape, symbolizing the growth and evolution of this emblem of peace. WINTERACTION is designed not only as a work of art but also as a platform for solidarity and socio-cultural interaction between nations, aiming to create a better future.
WINTERACTION can be experienced anywhere by downloading the app from the App Store or Google Play.