Brillamont Playspace
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez

Brillamont Playspace

JDE Design-Driven Consultancy como Designers

Brillamont Playspace, designed by JDE design driven consultancy, is a breakthrough project integrating play within the educational realm, harmonizing safety with learning in a sensorially stimulating environment. This collaboration stands as a challenge to established norms, fostering the comprehensive development of children. Its design encourages exploration with inviting shapes and colors that uplift the spirit, symbolizing Brillamont's dedication to educational excellence and the complete well-being of its students.

The essence of play is inherently dynamic and fluid, spanning from the open guidance of an educator to involvement in activities without predetermined goals. As behavior experts assert, play is an activity chosen freely, self-directed, and internally motivated.

photo_credit Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
photo_credit Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez

Often, play spaces in educational settings prioritize safety over critical thinking development, neglecting the necessity for reasoning, curiosity, and adventure. This approach has led to spaces that, while safe, lack stimuli essential for children's vital development, such as a sense of achievement, cooperation, and fundamental motor skills.

JDE design driven consultancy has developed a playspace for the preschool area of Brillamont that encourages critical thinking and curiosity in children. Distinguished by its spontaneous curves and shapes that beckon adventure, Playspace stimulates motor skills while upholding safety. Its design integrates organic and geometric elements that resonate with the freedom inherent in nature, and its vibrant color palette enhances dynamism and positivity.

photo_credit Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
photo_credit Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez

The construction of bold shapes, such as vast arches, and long, almost surreal bridges extend an invitation into the space. Its architectural layout starts from an elliptical track with random strokes, positioned with an inclination that leads children over an elevated bridge, offering them a view of the campus surroundings and its vegetation.

A structure of tall and bold yellow arches is intersected by the elevated track, and a ramp at the ground level. This pathway is complemented by elements that create moments, like an elevated pergola, mounds, and slides that return them to the ground.

photo_credit Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
photo_credit Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez

At the center of the ellipse and beneath the bridge lie various abstract shapes like towers, tunnels, and arches with a playful personality that create dynamism and unexpected play for the young students. The design of the Playspace is strongly guided by its use of color, that enhances the mood and promotes positivity.

By applying its methodology and design processes, JDE design-driven consultancy is transforming spaces into formative and memorable experiences, stepping towards the future of education.

photo_credit Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
photo_credit Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez


Designers: JDE Design-Driven Consultancy

Video: SODI, Jorge Brian Saunders

Photographer: Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez

photo_credit Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
photo_credit Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
Recording Architecture, Francisco Alvarez
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