Bar do Mussum
Maíra Acayaba

Bar do Mussum

With the mission of bringing the "paradise" of one of the most charismatic figures of Brazilian culture into the real world, Superlimão was chosen to design the architecture for Bar do Mussum. The bar is located in Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro (the birthplace of Antônio Carlos Bernardes Gomes – the famous Mussum), and the whole ambience is reminiscent of the many talents of the multi-faceted artist: comedian, samba singer, musician, singer, composer and Trapalhão.

photo_credit Maíra Acayaba
Maíra Acayaba

Being that it's a bar and considering its namesake, beer couldn't be anything but a prominent element. If Adam and Eve dealt with the temptation of the apple, in Mussum's paradise it's the "pé de mé" that attracts visitors. The tree that Trapalhão dreamed of, with beer cans as fruit, has become a reality – at least in this bar. Everything happens around the "pé de mé": the canopy is filled with aluminum cans, and the branches embrace the entire store, distributing memorabilia items of the honoree throughout the space.

photo_credit Maíra Acayaba
Maíra Acayaba

The tree also serves as a reminder of Mangueira, Mussum's favorite samba school. The color chosen for the trunk and branches has another reason: it's reminiscent of the large copper tap seen in "Mágico de Oróz", the classic Trapalhões film. The reference also appears on the beer taps. 

photo_credit Maíra Acayaba
Maíra Acayaba

To enhance the atmosphere of Eden, right at the entrance Mussum welcomes visitors by offering them a bottle of his favorite drink, "suco de cevadis", on a backlit background with a fresco look. Below it, the main counter was specially designed to resemble a large American beer glass, complete with the foam head. Studies and tests were conducted by the office team to ensure that the proportions were identical to those of the glass, a pub classic. The shade applied to the glass was the result of studies by Atelie Benini, which studied Cacildis Beer, a brand that also pays homage to Mussum, to arrive at the ideal color. LED lighting highlights the bubbles, further enhancing the feeling of a freshly poured glass. 

photo_credit Maíra Acayaba
Maíra Acayaba

Other memorabilia arranged around the room turn the bar into a sort of Mussum museum. His family provided original material from the past, while old TV sets show clips from episodes and films of the Trapalhões and performances by the Originais do Samba, the traditional samba group that Mussum joined as Carlinhos da Mangueira. Instagrammable spots complete the ambience, such as the sheep in profile on the mirrors. The reflection doubles the image and completes the animal's body, which says in neon: "mé!".

photo_credit Maíra Acayaba
Maíra Acayaba

To further strengthen the boteco atmosphere that Bar do Mussum required, the outdoor area was essential. Located in an open-air shopping center, the bar faces a boulevard. There, visitors enjoy the outdoors, especially during samba circles. Beer crates were used as furniture, along with light tables and chairs, making it easy to adapt the bar to the dynamics of each day. 

photo_credit Maíra Acayaba
Maíra Acayaba

Project credits


Product spec sheet

Forro retroiluminado "Afresco"
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