Designopolis Commercial & Retail Park is a major landmark on the Cairo-Alexandria desert road. Its location and surroundings, such as the informal agricultural land on the outskirts of Cairo that contrasts with the informal settlements and buildings have inspired the concept of the grid system and the need to enforce such areas, which was shown by the horizontal grids that reflect the buildings. To enforce the grid concept, the axes of the entrances were placed perpendicularly to the grid, leading to the main nodes. The feeling of the different types of agricultural land was shown through the different colors, patterns: curves and linear, and heights not only in the architectural manner but also in the urban landscape planning such as the plants and trees. Mainly national plants were used making it more environmental friendly, consuming less water, and humid tolerant. The outdoor elements, furniture, and lighting for the sheds and parking are also put into a rhythm that goes with the overall grid and concept.
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