A former TNO laboratory building on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology will be transformed into a flexible building for education and research. The focus of the redevelopment lies on creating an inspiring, inviting and future-proof learning environment. EGM architects has drawn up the proposal to redesign the building.
Adaptable and future-proof transformation
In 2019 the technology departments of Fontys University of Applied Sciences Eindhoven will relocate to the campus of the University of Technology. To facilitate the move, a former laboratory building on the campus will be transformed into a new building for education that is fitted out in every respect for the future. The redevelopment focuses on creating a flexible building for learning, which can accommodate a wide range of educational concepts and forms.
Atrium as place for encounters and interaction
The design is characterized by a number of distinctive architectural interventions, lending the originally sober and functional building a clearly recognizable identity all of its own. The interventions uncover hidden qualities and reveal the full potential of the building.
The most striking element is the new atrium at the heart of the building. It will be a place for encounters and interaction, warm, dynamic and inviting. In addition to the atrium, the main entrance will be altered and a new Automotive department added. These three areas form the new calling card of the education building. More modest interventions involve the conversion of the original laboratories into classrooms.
Reuse of materials
A sustainable and high-quality education building will be created by reusing existing materials and infrastructure, smart climate-control systems, and water-saving measures.
Engineer and Build
The project will be realized with the Engineer & Build team Build2Learn, which brings together the Heerkens van Bavel and Berghege building consortium. The design is an elaboration of the preliminary design drawn up by Fontys and EN EN Architects.