Housing Building Lisbon

Housing Building Lisbon Rua Mercês

This project aimed to build a low-cost housing building for rent that fit into the existing network and that preserved the identity of the place. It is not a question of refurbishment, nor is it intended to mimic a language. However, although with a contemporary attitude, a complete integration was sought in the urban set, so it was decided to maintain some of its characterizing elements, among which: the modulation in the opening of the openings, the geometry of the roof and materials that constitute the general image of the surrounding buildings. The proposal, as with the previously existing building, promotes the occupation of the entire lot through a rectangular polygon with a gable roof. Despite having an elevation facing Rua General Massano de Amorim, the building has a more direct relationship with Rua das Mercês, which means that access, which in this case is double, is made exclusively by this route. Thus, through Door No. 2, access to a set of three dwellings that develop one on each floor. On floors 0 and 1, a T0 is proposed, consisting of a small entrance hall that gives access to the Sanitary Installation and extends to the Living Room / Bedroom / Integrated Kitchen area. On Floor 2, we propose a T1-type fire, as if it were a “penthouse” floor, due to the creation of punctual mansards that, in addition to adding useful space to the fire, provide the necessary luminosity for your enjoyment and comfort. At the West end, and through Nº2A, direct access to a Studio / Studio apartment is proposed, which is developed on two floors. On floor 0 there is the Living Room / Integrated Kitchen, and on floor 1, the Bedroom and the Sanitary Installation.

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