While 3D plans are excellent for understanding the overall space, they lack details since the view is farther out. 3D renderings of individual spaces showcase those details, but don’t show the overall space. What if there was a way to have both without the expensive cost?

The 3DAS interactive floor plan combines the overall layout with the details you need to show your clients.
Try it out yourself: https://3das.com/interactivefp
You choose which spaces / renderings you find most important. This drastically cuts down the time and expense of traditional virtual tours, virtual reality and augmented reality experiences. Best of all this plan can be seen by anyone on almost any time of computer at any time.

Why did the client want this presentation?
THE PROBLEM: Creating every room in 3D would take too long and would not fit the client’s budget.

THE SOLUTION: Create a 3D renderings for the most important spaces. Then create a 3D floor plan for the rest of the spaces and deliver in an interactive way so the client could understand how all of it fit together. 3D floor plans do not require the amount of detail than individual room renderings cost.

READ MORE about the case study, the process, and more at https://3das.com/interactive-floor-plan/