Start Over. Arch. Giorgia Dennerlein proposes a new concept for an office building located in the heart of the Italian capital and dedicated to co working and more.
The objective was the creation of spaces that enhance relationships and sociability, bringing out a contemporary personality.

Grond floor, where the large hall and the reception desk develop horizontally, and where the office of a publicly traded company finds place together with other meeting and training rooms; on the second floor, spaces are dedicated to co-working, to a recreational space, a place for sharing and meeting rooms; finally, the third floor, with executive offices and workstations for close collaborators. The structural scheme of this 900 square meters new generation "O District" office building replicates that of the functions, with the upper floors representing management and the basis for welcoming. The difference, for Giorgia Dennerlein, lies entirely in the interpretation: connecting the environments, emphasizing the hospitality of the place, creating a relaxed atmosphere that might improve the quality of life in the workplace. To achieve the result, the architect defines the volumes playing with modular desks and chairs, a true architecture within the architecture that uses color as a distressing and dialoguing factor between the different areas.

Each element - armchairs, tables, walls, partitions, furniture, lighting - contributes to design an eclectic and functional interior, which overturns standards and gives life to Job 4.0. That is, a space that becomes sustainable for the environment thanks to the 95 solar panels positioned on the roof of the building; a playful design, which finds its liveliness in the colors and furnishings, and in which sociality is favored; the intuition and design of "cells" with a rounded and ergonomic shape to simultaneously preserve privacy and sharing in the large open space; training between the destinations of use of the various environments.

The walls, soundproofed to promote concentration and privacy, become the expression of a fluid and captivating environment at the same time. Like panels in a museum, they are transformed into observation points, making the outdoor images of the Belgian artist photographer Reginald Van de Velde, a focal point. The large dimensions and the round motifs are a stylistic feature of Dennerlein, which also replicates them in the ceiling to enclose all the supporting columns, a series of cylindrical yellow “huge pills” by Ultom, preserved to interrupt with some angularity of the rooms.

The color palette recalls the seventies: warm and primary tones win because benefic to the mind and instill a good mood. Green is also the protagonist: it not only helps improve efficiency in workspaces, but creates an ideal connection between outdoor nature and indoors. The carpet, by EGE, chosen as a covering for the entire flooring of the building to give continuity, has precisely the purpose of making ideas sprout from the ground like plants: green, in a fluorescent version too, is spread everywhere, even in the geometric patterns. The desk, on the third floor, is by DELLA ROVERE designed by Karim Rashid; the table in the presidential office is from DESALTO with vintage chairs, the armchair by BAXTER and the lights by EGOLUCE and LUMEN. The work and meeting tables, so as the storage units and collaborative workstations are by DYNAMOBEL. The rest of the interior is handcrafted on a project by LOTO AD PROJECT. The wallpaper is from CASAMANCE. The sofas are MAGIS. On the external façade a spectacular WALL & DECO creates a mirror effect to the surrounding nature.