Climate change has warmed the planet and disrupted ecosystem cycles in nature. One of these problems is the rapid melting of polar ice caps, which has serious consequences for the environment and the future of mankind.
One of the major concerns of melting polar ice caps is the risk of extinction of many animals, including penguins. The presence of ice is vital for their life and spawning. Melting ice also reduces the penguins' food. Thousands of emperor penguin chicks drowned when the sea-ice on which they were being raised was destroyed in severe weather. The catastrophe occurred in 2016 in Antarctica's Weddell Sea.
"penguins protection system" consists of:
1. IGLOO (Inspired by penguins huddle)
Emperor penguins breed during the cold Antarctic winter where temperatures can reach -30C and below. To conserve energy and protect themselves from the cold, they adopt a behavioral strategy of huddling close together in large groups.
This form is designed in a circular shape and creates a suitable space for penguins to lay eggs due to the constant temperature inside.
2. Porous space (inspired by sea sponges)
Porous space (inspired by sea sponges) under which the pendulum structure moves by sea waves and provides the electricity needed to operate the cooling system.
This system is independent in nature and, when needed, smartly separates and moves towards them by identifying melting ice areas.
This system reconstruction of melted ice pieces with the development of this system in different parts of the pole.
The project has been conceived as part of a competition launched by french organization, fondation jacques rougerie. ‘penguin protection system’ made it to the finals and was ranked 7th in the top 12 projects in the ‘innovation for the sea’ category.