West Oakland Specific Plan and Mandela Station TOD

West Oakland Specific Plan and Mandela Station TOD

West Oakland Specific Plan and Mandela Station TOD

JRDV Urban International is the prime consultant responsible for the West Oakland Specific Plan (WOSP), one of the largest and most complicated master plans in the Central San Francisco Bay Area in the last decade.  Following the completion of WOSP, JRDV was selected by BART to be lead architect for Mandela Station the largest TOD in the Bay Area.

photo_credit © JRDV

The WOSP planning process spanned three years, with hundreds of community meetings, ultimately entitled over 6,000 new housing units and over 6 million GSF of new commercial space on an infill basis without displacement.  

photo_credit © JRDV

The project was unprecedented for creating three-dimensional visualizations and multiple development scenarios for each parcel within a 4-square mile area. This demonstrated the economic and social potential at a granular level, meaningful to citizens, policy-makers and property owners alike.  The project included comprehensive, multifaceted strategies for facilitating the development of selected vacant and/or underutilized commercial and industrial properties within West Oakland. Upon adoption into law, the project immediately began attracting and developing commercial and industrial enterprises, providing jobs, services and housing needed by the West Oakland community. 

photo_credit © JRDV

The TOD project is located in the heart of the Bay Area regional transportation system with direct train access to every BART station during peak hours.  The TOD can be phased and includes commercial office, market rate housing, affordable housing ground floor retail and minimal parking.

photo_credit © JRDV

Project credits

WOSP Prime Consultant and TOD Lead Architect

Project data

Project Year