The representative old building at Altstadtring will in future be the main building and “face“ of the college in Zittau. To this end the building complex has been renovated and newly structured in preparation for its uses for teaching, as an advanced educational centre, for administration and as the rector‘s office. The redevelopment measures were concentrated primarily on the fire-prevention requirements, on the development of an environment suitable for disabled persons, and on energy efficiency. The renovated building now undercuts the relevant EnEV 2009 regulations by approx. 21%.
To the courtyard side a new connecting structure has been erected. As an open foyer, this provides a better interconnection and is able to integrate particularly high-tech functions. The facade of the new building conveys a sense of reserve, yet at the same time one of harmony between the old building and the central block, due to the acceptance and reinterpretation of the common design features, particularly the regularly arranged, large window formats. With a bronze-coloured building joint it distinguishes itself clearly from the old building.
Material Used :
1. Altbau: Kalkputz gekämmter Kieselwurf; (Bild 8); Maxit Sondermischung
2. Altbau: Glattputz (Bild 70); Maxit
3. Neubau: WDVS Kratzputz 3mm Rundkorn (Bild 70); Maxit ip color 44k
4. Altneubau: Kratzputz eingefärbt (Bild 23); 213; Korngefüge und Färbung gem. Befundung Bestand
5. PR-Fassade Neubau: (Bild 70): Raico Therm +50 A/V
6. Holztüren hist. Nachbau (Bild 32): Sturm Türsysteme
7. Rohrrahmen-Türen Neubau (Bild 32): Foster fuego light