Dormeuil China Showroom

Dormeuil China Showroom

Nota Architects como Arquitetos

When Dormeuil found us, this French high-end clothing fabric brand founded in 1842 and landed to China a century ago, was looking for an opportunity to showcase and continue the heritage. The business model has evolved from B2B to B2C to anticipate the demands of the times - a showroom that combined museum experience and business was then born.   

photo_credit Dajun
photo_credit Dajun
photo_credit Dajun

The showroom is in a corner room of an office building from the 1990s. As an extension of the existing office space, it hosts multiple scenarios for brand history display, fabric experience, client reception, events, staff training etc. "What's the story behind the extraordinary fabrics? How does a journey of initiation go through the origins to Dormeuil Fabrics? Can you wear a suit for parkour if you choose the right fabric?..." The exploration  in the showroom begins with the answers to these questions.

photo_credit Dajun
photo_credit Dajun

Attracted by a gallery composed of framed scenes and framed artworks, Visitors follow the entry circulation with a trace of Dormeuil fabrics history over the 180 years. Fabrics with epoch-making significance are framed and collected in frames composed of diverse sizes and materials. These fine fabric artworks, complimentd with illustrations describing the lifestyle at that time, constitute the "Classical Art" Gallery.

photo_credit Dajun
photo_credit Dajun

Next wall tells the story of "The Great Adventure of Fabrics" from raw wool cleaning to finished product inspection. Visitors can feel the characteristically fine, soft and lustrous wool, learn about the production process, and watch an introductory video. Along the circular "grass" paving, everyone will gather in the open area for fabric and ready-to-wear sample display, or have a cup of coffee and enjoy professional suit customization services. The display rack integrates fabric display and a pantry, and the built-in storage wall acts as an "Antique Shelf" for displaying antique samples, collaboration products, limited editions, and other commemorative items.

photo_credit Dajun
photo_credit Dajun

In addition to the brand's signature colors and biophilic materials, the brand's philosophy of social and environmental sustainability is also promoted through recyclable fit-out modules. Both modules, the fabric display rack and the "Antique Shelf" can be easily disassembled, transported, and reassembled into booth modules for seasonal international fabric fair, and taken back afterwards.

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