Royal NovoProof® DA-K for lightweight roof structures
A sealed roof is the guarantee for a long life of all building constructions. Royal NovoProof® sealing systems make your bungalow, garage, balcony, terrace, and industrial or logistic building durably waterproof. Our flat roof sealing products are lighter than competitive products: With the low weight of only approx. 1.8kg/m², Royal NovoProof® DA-K is not only easy to install but also suited particularly for any type of the lightweight roof construction. The extremely good ozone and UV-resistance performance and the robust yet elastic properties of Royal NovoProof® DA-K guarantee a high durability almost without ageing in all climate zones, from the northern Taiga to the southern desert areas.
Our tailor-made solutions
We provide the flexible, tailor-made solution for all kinds of problems. Since sealing systems of Royal NovoProof® DA-K are completed by custom-fit preforms for roof penetrations, connections and closures of different designs. The economical installation of the membranes on flat roof insulation boards of any type is quick and trouble-free by mechanical fixing and / or partial adhesion. Because the herbicide-free roofing membranes are root-resistant, a later expansion of the roof area is also possible, such as a subsequent installation of green roof.