Vulcanica is inspired by the primordial essence of the same name and by the delicate and precious reverberation of metals: by the flow of lava, between dancing lapilli and constantly changing energy. Characterised by an elegant and contemporary palette, harmonious in materials such as wood, marble and stone, Vulcanica illuminates everyday spaces by lending texture and warmth.
The expressive colour range includes Platino, Argento, Grafite, Ottone, Verdirame and Azul, combining elegance with concrete and fascinating details. Meticulous observation of the original sheet metal has in fact made it possible to handicraft the evocative touch of time, replicating distinctive graphic effects such as the break of oxidised metal.
Vulcanica emphasises the charm of hand-satin metals with the functionality of porcelain stoneware. The handcrafted decorations of the collection reflect the spontaneous traces impressed by nature on the material: it is human talent and ingenuity that celebrate the imprints of time in Vulcanica, originating details of surprising beauty.