Community school Brummen
Paul Gerlings

Community school Brummen

Situation School is situated in a park-landscape and village situation Key issues of this project are fitting in the context of the park and connecting to the village. We wanted to create an organic building, discrete, and sloping to the park, using natural materials and colors. On the street-side, the building presents itself in two levels: as a special feature: the new community school of Brummen!

Hall type of school, with warm interior. The central hall, which is the center of the community school, makes a link between street and park, between ground and first floor. It ‘s an important new route to the park ! Large voids link both floors, and the central staircase here, makes a lookout platform into this hall.

This central hall can also be connected to the gymnasium to create a larger multipurpose community hall for special activities for the school and the neighborhood.

The Children Daycare is situated in a recognizable pavilion at the eastside, when entering the building. At the first floor we find the older children with a central documentation center and more peaceful workstations, cozy under the sloping roof.

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