Metaphor The notion of the 'shipping container' as a powerful three dimensional reflection of the physical and cultural history of this location in Liverpool is an unarguably valid starting point for the generation of a three dimensional architectural form. Other references were tested and could have been used, and equal 'truths' do result from deeper analysis, but none are as unambiguous or as appropriate for the generation of a building which is literally made from small, cubic units i.e. Apartments.
Metaphorical Analysis In light of this we have used this metaphor 'The shipping container' as a way to discover deeper truths and free creativity, rather than allow it to restrict us by operating at a level of literal representation. A generating idea must not become an attachment, but should act as a gateway to the 'truth'........of a peculiar set of conditions. When looking more closely at this notion 'the shipping container' we can immediately find abstract, universal fascinations which go beyond the local: 1. Building blocks - We are all drawn to stacking blocks of wood into complicated forms as children. Frank Lloyd Wright famously noted this innate quality and allowed it to inform his architecture. 2. Being able to see the generating unit, within a larger whole - In nature atoms and particles join together and alchemically transform into our complex reality. Perhaps this visible transformation from being able to see the small unit, whilst at the same time sensing the whole, has a resonance within us which goes down to the quantum nature of our existence? 3. Art - Looking towards high conceptual art, a number of artists have been drawn to the same universal truth which stems from simple three dimensional cubic form. Sol Lewitt and Donald Judd both spent decades exploring the same everyday spatial phenomenon we all instinctively understand.
Metaphorical Expression Using this analysis an architectural language is generated based on sub units or blocks stacked on the site to form a larger body. This orthogonal intervention springs from the line set up by Urbed's master plan which determines a connection from Old Hall Street, through to the water front. This creates a strong orthogonal geometry on the site appropriate for a building of such importance. However, such rational geometry alone would tend to generate a sterile overbearing form, devoid of local topology. To counteract this is a case of allowing the site shape and fall to erode the imposed Cartesian grid. The curve of the site boundary staggers the geometry introducing irrationality into the plan form, which because it is generated from site conditions avoids wilful, arbitrary contrivance. We therefore achieve a harmonious balance of rationality and irrationality contained with the same form. The notion of allowing the interaction of the irregular site form and the abstract three dimensional grid, is expressed in the elevations by using the slope of the site to stagger separate, plan generated towers, so the top of the building steps in classic skyscraper fashion.
Function Beyond the desire to create a contextual reflection, architecture also has purpose. Functional, commercial and physical limits define the shape, arrangement and size of the metaphor. Once it is established that the 'shipping container' corresponds to the apartment, the smallest part or atom of a larger complex structure, other functional imperatives take over. The apartment has certain properties which define its relationship with the larger structure. The overriding property which defines this arrangement is aspect. Therefore the blocks are staggered on the site in plan and elevation in order to maximize the number of apartments which face the river Mersey, and or, the City, most apartments achieve duel aspect. The above generator creates a stepping spiral form, as one block steps down to allow the block behind a view towards the river.
Metaphorical Language When dealing with the surface patina i.e. the windows etc…., other metaphors from Liverpool's architectural heritage are added to enrich the more abstract cubic reference. The sub towers of blocks are imagined as stone obelisks with grooves carved into their surface at varying relief depths. The grooves are windows and there is an intentional ambiguity between their reading as the shadow gaps between the smaller sub blocks and an abstract set of symbols reminiscent of Egyptian monuments.
Light This stepping, generated by the shape of the site, breaks the mass of the overall structure into a series of apartment size sub towers. Each sub tower, depending on the time of day, receives sunlight to one of it's sides, whilst it's adjacent neighbours opposite face is in shadow. The veins of glazing either reflect or appear as void, depending on the position of the sun. This property is demonstrated by connecting the glass veins around corners, so when one side of a sub tower is in shadow the glass reflects, whilst the face that is receiving light becomes void, depending on the angle of incidence of the viewer. If the angle is changed, the above is reversed.
Formal exploration The form developed in a pendulum like manner, swinging from orthogonal rationality to irrational misaligned cubic volumes. When the pendulum swung too far in one direction the result was too predictable, austere and lacking in personality. When it swung in the opposite direction the form became unstable, overly complex and lacked a seriousness appropriate for such an important building. When the pendulum settled traces of the irrational and rational remained, engineering stability with human persona. Inherent within a tall form is the question ..........’how does this thrust towards the sky end’. Nature tends to end things in a staggered wave formation, rarely do we see ‘reality’ with a straight line. My arm terminates with stepping fingers.
Living with light Most apartments have duel or triple aspect. People will live above the shadows with a panoramic view of a beautiful city, experiencing the sun’s path from East to West. The horizontal and vertical slot windows project a changing sequence of light beams across space, time and surface. The character of each particle ray of light is subtly different depending on the position of the glass in the wall reveal. The North West face of the building is highly insulated with deep 400mm window reveals. The South East elevation is more transparent, giving views to the water and receiving southern sunshine. The top of each tower has a particular sculptural expression. The common theme is the opportunity to provide external space and top light for the apartment below. At such heights these external spaces are protected with high walls of glass and solid, giving a clear view of the sky and a slightly filtered view of the city below.
Communing with the city Beyond the privacy of ones home, communal pockets are sculpted from the knuckles of four of the towers. Space for people to gather and enjoy fresh air, an amazing view and some soft landscaping. Surreal, unexpected incidents for contemplation above the frenetic dynamism of the city below. A chance to take an overview..........whilst finding a place within a community. A space / place within, and part of a building, part of a larger structure.