The Overlook Condominiums is centered in between two of Ikoyi’s most prominent social and recreational establishments, the Ikoyi Club 1938 and the Lagos Polo Club, and stands OVERLOOKING the rarest views in the city. The design is conceived with the vision to deliver a new standard to the market including the unparalleled views of an 18-hole golf course and international polo ground, residences with grade-A standard finishes plus stunning common area amenities, and large living spaces with attention to details on the most efficient layouts.
The housing is equipped with exclusive facilities such as: Full 9th floor rooftop terrace with siting and dining areas, rooftop grills and panoramic views of Ikoyi and Victoria Island; Expansive leisure deck with pool and heated jacuzzi at podium level; 70sqm club house with TV, bar, living area and games facilities; Smart building and security monitoring system at lobby; and an energy efficient air-conditioning system.
The building form is designed in a C shape for maximum desirable views to the surroundings and to segregate the building services towards the interior for maximum efficiency and optimization. The unique form also provides and opens to sky podium for recreational facilities. The building façade is articulated with a geometric pattern of recessed and cantilever balconies with treated edges to enhance the visual character of the overall built and to offer the residents a variety of semi-open and open spaces for leisure. The simplex and duplex units within the housing are so designed to accommodate the varied and expanding needs and aspirations of a typical family there.