Zones is a comprehensive series of furniture products that transforms the office, challenging convention and changing the way people experience work. It comprises seating, tables, screens, easels and accessories, as well as semi-private enclosures which can act either as an intimate collaborative setting or as a place of retreat when privacy is desired. Zones’ breadth of offering across multiple workplace categories with a consistent design language makes it unique.
Influenced and inspired by the untethered, modern worker who seeks movement, flexibility and convenience, Zones transitions the workplace from one that’s fixed and formal to a space that suits a variety of preferences and working habits. Components can be combined in limitless ways to create flexible, fluid work areas that exist “in between” less adaptable areas like private offices, conference rooms and high-density workstations.
Wood is used as a modern engineering material ensuring strength, flexibility, sustainability, beauty, craft and humanity. The combination of wood with other materials, and Zones’ harmonious, soft design, emphasize the domesticity and materiality of the collection.
Zones addresses the needs for focus, collaborative and workshop areas within the office environment. Designed by PearsonLloyd in conjunction with Teknion, the Zones collection won several 2016 Best of NeoCon awards, including Best of Competition and a Gold. Zones Benches won Gold and Zones Tables earned Silver in the Best of NeoCon competition.
“We designed Zones to address change in the office landscape from the fixed and formal settings common today to the informal and flexible settings of the future,” said Tom Lloyd, PearsonLloyd. “Zones is a comprehensive series of furniture products that addresses the needs for focus, collaborative and workshop areas within the office environment. It includes new products, applications and settings for contemporary workstyles ranging from creative intimate collaborative settings to places of retreat. Zones also addresses the growing importance of hospitality spaces as a new form of workplace.” With Zones, create open or semi-enclosed collaborative settings that are lounge or table-based, and designed for sitting or standing. Tables in a variety of sizes and shapes serve meetings for two to half-a-dozen people. Simple chairs, benches, sofas and stools provide practical support and comfort in the spaces between the less flexible geometry of private offices, formal conference rooms and high-density workstations, or across a footprint. Screens can be positioned to lightly define a semi-private space to support teams.
“We have reintroduced Beech as an engineering material which formed the foundation for mass produced furniture in the early 20th century Europe. Beech is an incredible material bringing precision, form, craft and tactility into the office landscape,” said Luke Pearson, PearsonLloyd. “Authenticity of build becomes increasingly important in a world of hyper mass production. Warmth, humanity and simplicity within Zones provides a platform for focus and relaxation, for activity and contemplation.” Most seating, tables and accessories can be used in the context of Zones settings, integrated with other Teknion product lines, with technology or on their own.
Zones garnered multiple awards, including Best of Competition, during its North American debut at NeoCon in June. Zones is part of the IIDEXCanada Best of Design exhibit featuring the latest award-winning products from around the world. Co-presented by the Interior Designers of Canada and Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, IIDEXCanada is part of The Buildings Show, which includes Construct Canada, PM Expo Toronto, World of Concrete Pavilion, HomeBuilder & Renovator Expo, and The Real Estate Forum Toronto. The Buildings Show is North America’s largest exposition, networking and education event for design, construction and real estate.
In addition to the Zones furniture collection, Teknion is showing the Tek Pier integrated, height-adjustable, wall-mounted worksurface and monitor. Tek Pier is part of Construct Canada at Booth #708.