Solina factory is an example of a textile site, a representation of twentieth century industrial architecture ensemble that illus- trates the industrial, technological achievements of the period in India as well as internationally. Therefore the new use of this industrial heritage site will facilitate in disseminating the development of appropriate techniques for conserving twenti- eth century Industrial heritage.

Conservation actions for the Solina are based on documenta- tion and research on various aspects of the buildings as well as a broader understanding of its geographical, historical and architectural context, taking into account its new future use.

Original structures are retained and the new interventions for its new use are clearly legible proposed in new materials like glass and metal. Easily identifiable, new water collection sys- tem in the form of inverted roofs, has been installed over the existing roofs in metal.

1. Architecture
The new interventions have been kept away and not support- ed on the old existing structures. New walls, roofs, bridges, partition are suggested in new materials and are clearly distin- guishable and designed away from original structure to ensure least damage, respecting the original structure. The old roof of the buildings are intended to be up cycled by weaving them as strips & creating a spindle structure incasing the bridge. All brickwork of the existing structure will be restored to its origi- nal value.Footprint of a few existing buildings have been used to create interactive spaces for craftsman & artists by the use of platforms, plinths, sunken amphitheatres.
Independently supported Mezzanines have been added within the Godown structure in 7 out of 9 bays which could function as art galleries, library, and a startup office space like we work, meant to activate the youth.long linear spaces have been designed to house smaller functions. Spaces between linear spaces have been utilized as small courts for visitor and community use like crafts court, technology court (add more). The tall heights within the slopping roofs have been used as mezzanines at few locations. Bridges have been provided as transverse connection at upper levels for more public to partic- ipate and view the on-going activates

2. Landscape of Resilience
In the context of British Industrial building, landscape that was highly functional with all resources managed through a metic- ulous network of water management. We decided to interpret that functional pattern into an architecture of playfulness. The same water channels which are meant to drain off or water go on to become Kunds and amphitheatres. Native species like Badam, Willow & Chinar have been planted.

3. Urban Design
The pedestrian axis connect 3 major plazas, Entrance, recre- ational and People's plaza provide a much needed relief in an otherwise high-medium density residential neighbourhood.Its edges kept blurred with minimal fencing & retaining some of the old paths used by people around making it more accessi- ble for people to flow through the art & cultural centre. It has been planned as a collaborative space.

4. Conservation & Retrofitting
The new interventions have been kept away and not support- ed on the old existing structures. New walls, roofs, bridges, partition are suggested in new materials and are clearly distin- guishable and designed away from original structure to ensure least damage, respecting the original structure.