Windsor Residence
Jake Holt

Windsor Residence

After living in a drafty 1930’s bungalow just down the street, this owner came to us knowing he wanted clean lines, lots of glass, entertainment space and a tight, well-built house. With a prominent lot and high expectations, this bachelor looking to put down roots placed his faith in our firm’s vision. After the initial site meeting, the concept was actually sculpted on a napkin over lunch.


The new foundation spans over the previous home’s layout, wrapping through and around protected oak trees. Using the architecture to consistently connect you back to the outdoors, strategically placed windows frame the thoughtful landscaping, which is punctuated by the cascading waterfall from the cantilevered living room over the pool. The refined material palette and clean, minimalist selections of the interiors further captures the essence of the modern, urban lifestyle of an active dog dad.

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