Downtown Houston Proposal

Downtown Houston Proposal

MA2 come Architetti

In the ongoing discussions concerning the renovation of American cities and new developments for both business and culture, the current proposal is an intervention in the reshaping of Houston, Texas’ downtown area. The proposal is an instigation for an iconic set of towers that encourages and amplifies Houston’s international businesses and ongoing urban development. Part of the scheme is more than just an iconic set of towers but a development of modern residential and commercial towers, along with a state-of-the-art luxury shopping mall located at Houston’s downtown center, across the sports stadium. The idea is to modernize the current cityscape and promote a stronger urban presence with high-end living/working environments and luxury shopping. Its purpose for modernization is to encourage a more dynamic living and working environment, and promote current business while attracting new business to be part of the new revitalized city center. Houston, Texas has many robust economic sectors and a high living standard, but with a new iconic node within Houston’s landscape, it can help strengthen its development and potential future.

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