In the bustling city of Hanoi, there lies a gastronomic haven known as 6 Degrees. This renowned food and beverage spot underwent a remarkable transformation under the skilled hands of Studio8, resulting in a space that not only tantalizes taste buds but also captivates with its awe-inspiring design. Awarded the prestigious BCI Asia Interior Design Award in 2018, the 6 Degrees project stands as a testament to the seamless fusion of Western and Vietnamese cuisines, while immersing patrons in an enchanting artificial landscape inspired by nature.
The interior design of 6 Degrees was meticulously crafted to resemble an artificial landscape, paying homage to the lush surroundings that serve as the inspiration for the restaurant. The owner, also the President of the Bonsai Association, incorporated elements such as paintings and dramatic art figures on concrete walls, mirroring the beauty of their natural environment. This attention to detail creates a captivating ambiance that transports diners to a world where gastronomy and art effortlessly intertwine.
Throughout the restaurant, layout arrangements are thoughtfully placed to accentuate the focus on the natural. The strategic use of wood bars not only adds visual appeal but also serves as a sustainable design feature, aligning with the growing trend of eco-consciousness in the industry. Additionally, Studio8 embraces another contemporary design trend by incorporating unique patterns and textures on the ceiling. This deliberate choice ensures that every aspect of the space exudes elegance and sophistication, leaving no detail overlooked.
At the heart of 6 Degrees lies the bar counter, the focal point of the central activity. This is where the magic happens, where dedicated staff meticulously craft drinks and engage with customers. By showcasing the bartenders' skills in an open setting, Studio8 creates a sense of inclusion, allowing diners to feel like they are part of the experience rather than mere guests. The open bar concept elevates the overall dining experience, making it truly memorable.
Studio8's transformation of 6 Degrees in Hanoi showcases the harmonious blend of gastronomy and design. With its fusion of Western and Vietnamese cuisines, this remarkable project has become a must-visit destination for food enthusiasts. The intricate interior design, inspired by nature and adorned with art, creates an enchanting ambiance that transports diners to another world. By incorporating sustainable elements, unique ceiling patterns, and carefully curated lighting, Studio8 has elevated the dining experience to new heights. The 6 Degrees project is not just a restaurant; it is a testament to the power of design in creating an unforgettable gastronomic journey.