Casa Esteval

Casa Esteval

Casa Esteval , an extraordinary experience for 2022. Origami Architecture concept. With a unique yet organic and contemporary language set throughout.
BnB located outside Loule.  This house is the result of a projection of different, almost independent spaces, each with a particular identity, united by the same roof and a corridor, unifying the space.  With its own stamp or mark of identity, the oval window (in the style of Siza Vieira) that breaks the metric of the rest of the windows, creates an image that is difficult for the mind to forget. 

Finally, it is worth highlighting the importance of the Portuguese climate in the architecture, which makes the indoor-outdoor relationship imperative, seeking the enjoyment of the sun and fresh air. Thus, each space in the house is directly linked to an outdoor terrace, promoting optimal natural cross ventilation. Specifically, in its central circulation space, it has doors to terraces on both sides, so that this interior space can be momentarily converted into an outdoor-covered space, creating different sensations.   

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