What could be the perfect meaning of being part of the context of where you are? In this case, a different city, in a different country with an even more different culture. It was our goal when conceiving this project, to make people comfortable and connected within the place they are at.

The office is the new home of an European music streaming company across the ocean, in São Paulo, Brazil. We needed to create a connection between the office and the city, but it could not be obvious. It is in one of the most important addresses of São Paulo, right behind the famous Paulista Ave, in a brand-new modern building with a stunning view of the entire city.

The company’s DNA exiles art and was transcribed with other senses, not musical, but visual and sensitive, where street art and 100% Brazilian classic design furniture are used to state what it is all about. We don’t recreate a cliché beach with a tropical vibe as many would consider “Brazilian like”, it should be something that could be felt, not seen.

As a wellness certified space, comfort and well-being where a key part of the design process, so all of the workstations face the façade of the building, granting as much access to natural lighting as it could, and even the color palette is transcribed into a comfortable and interesting aesthetic, at the construction itself in a soft palette, and more vibrant in the furniture.

When it comes to the history of the space, even traces of the construction were used to engrave the meaning of those who made the conception and construction of the space possible, when one day after a celebration of the construction crew we found lots of beer bottles, and an idea popped into our head, of using all this glass debris from the bottles to create a unique floor, just like people did with broken floor remains at São Paulo’s old homes, but with a different aspect, connected with the construction process, and this is only one of the easter eggs that can be found at the space.

Personalization created a unique visual identity to the space and one of the most iconic things in the project is the tapestry in the living area, but as unusual as it would sound, it’s not at the floor, but at the ceiling, as a reference to music studios tapestries, but full of references, as it was custom made for the project, featuring Brazilian culture icons, as the Sugarloaf Mountain, and much more cultural references, perfectly matching the space.