work published and reviewed by Luigi Puglisi Prestinenza in "Il Sole 24 ORE – EDILIZIA E TERRITORIO" No. 31/32 - August 2011
The building consists of two buildings joined twins and oriented at right angles to each other so as to allow an optimal exploitation of the constructible triangular. The two-story volumes, containing the stairs and sleeping areas of the two apartments with their environment as accessories, were positioned at the center of the composition, while low volumes containing a single-level living areas have been placed at most of the wings outside the building. With this type of organization has been able to get a volume together with a performance of a pyramid and at the same time, a greater distance between the living areas of the two units, more windows and thus more exposed to possible visual problems of promiscuity. The initial choice of language, based on the reinterpretation of the ideas behind Wright's poetics with its main elements such as the joint volume, the interpenetration of interior and exterior spaces, the dynamism of the composition, features and aesthetics of the project was taken by designers as a possible interpretative key capable of effectively combining the initial wishes of the Customer to create a building linked to tradition and manifest its domestic nature, with their desire to translate this into much contemporary architecture.