i. project name_ Aspen Alps 215
ii. project type_ Interior Architecture
iii. project summary_
primary materials: Solid and veneer versions of rift sawn
white oak, bendheim fade glass, colored glass, steel,
stone tile, quartzite counters and paint.

size of apartment - 1,250 SF
program - owners’ living unit and vacation rental within
the aspen alps condominium complex.

cost - withheld at clients’ request.
project goals - a. increase indoor- outdoor relationships.
b. improve thermal envelope, and c. provide a sensual
and cool aesthetic outcome as part of a flexible, open

client - a couple; one an avid skier and mountaineer
while the other is an active patron of the visual arts and
museum boards.

iv. project completion date: June 25, 2020
v. project location: Aspen, CO